FZS Booster Club Scholarship Information
The Booster Club is happy to offer at least two $1,000 scholarship each academic year to qualifying FZS Seniors. These scholarships are to reinforce the importance of strong academic performance and parental involvement.
Applicants must be a Senior student in good standing. Please pick up guideline information/application from the Guidance Office.
Requirements include, but are not limited to:
- Parent/Guardian must be an active Booster member.
- Parent/Guardian must attend at least 2 Booster Club meetings during the current school year by March 1.
- Parent/Guardian must volunteer at least 6 hours for the Booster Club by March 1 during the current school year.*
- Applicant must volunteer at least 6 hours for the Booster Club by March 1 during the current school year.* (New requirement for 2023-2024 school year)
- Applications are available in the Guidance Office (usually February).
NOTE: Scholarship winners are determined by a judging panel affiliated with FZS, but does not include any include any FZS Booster officers or members. FZS Boosters are only notified of the winners the day of Senior Awards presentation. So, please apply. We like to give scholarship money to deserving students!